No available
  • Acidity : +
  • Sweetness : Dry
  • Body : Average
  • Length : Average
Food and wine pairing

This wine will go perfectly with:

  • viande rouge
  • Fromages
  • gigot à la ficelle
  • gibier
  • Fromage à pâte molle

Château Carbonnieux - Pessac-Léognan - 2016

By unit41,40 € 39.40 EUR Per 6 bottles39,40 €

Ce produit n'est malheureusement pas disponible en ce moment.

The colour is clear and limpid. The scent is fruity and floral (white flowers). The taste is very fresh.

Domain :Château Carbonnieux
Appellation : Pessac Léognan
Guard year :3 A 5 ANS
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Return and Refund Policy:
You have the right to withdraw from this contract without giving any reason within fourteen days, in which case all sums paid, including delivery costs, will be refunded. Beyond this period, no return or refund is accepted.

Domain: Château Carbonnieux

    Carbonnieux castle is a winery located in Gironde Léognan and classified grand cru in the classification of Graves wines.

    The wine past of the Castle and its vineyards dates back to the 18th century. At this time, the Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of Sainte-Croix de Bordeaux drew income from the exploitation by producing wine.

    The name of the property would come from a Carbonnieu Ramon, the first having...

Learn more about Château Carbonnieux

They are talking :
  • Parker : 92-94
  • Wine Spectator : 88 / 100
  • Couleur : Rouge
  • Appellation : Pessac Léognan

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