  • Acidity : +
  • Tannin : No
  • Sweetness : Dry
  • Body : Average
  • Aromas : Floral / Fruity
  • Length : Average
Food and wine pairing

This wine will go perfectly with:

  • Homard
  • saumon grillé
  • Blanquette
  • Rigotte
  • Ecrevisses à la nage
  • Brochet au beurre
  • cuisses de grenouilles
  • Riz de veau

E. Guigal. - Crozes-Hermitage - 2019

By unit14,99 €20,50 € 14.99 EUR

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The house Guigal is a reference in Crozes-Hermitage white, floral is beautiful.

Composition and terroir:

Traditional vintages and harvests for this white Crozes-Hermitage . This wine is bred for about 12 months, part of which is under wood.

Grape variety:

95% Marsanne, 5% Roussanne for this white wine of the Rhone of the house Guigal

Visual aspect :

The dress of this Rhône wine is of a pretty golden robe.

Olfactory characteristics:

The nose exudes aromas of white flowers (hawthorn, acacias)

Taste attributes:

In the mouth it is a white wine of the house Guigal fine, elegant, with a lot of freshness, complexity and finesse.

L'appréciation du caviste

Crozes-Hermitage, quelle belle appellation ! L'assemblage de Marsanne/Roussanne vous enivrez de fleurs blanches comme l'acacia et aubépine ainsi que de succulent fruits à chair jaune.

Bon plan : Ce vin est vendu sur Les Caves en moyenne -7% moins cher que chez nos concurrents.

Domain :E. Guigal.
Appellation : Vente Privée Guigal
Guard year :5 to 8 years
Quelques avis sur E. Guigal. Crozes-Hermitage :
Je ne savais pas que le Crozes hermitage existait en blanc ! C'était très bon
Sympa, ça change des blancs habituel
Encore un franc succès pour Guigal !
J'aime beaucoup ce coté opulant du vin
Return and Refund Policy:
You have the right to withdraw from this contract without giving any reason within fourteen days, in which case all sums paid, including delivery costs, will be refunded. Beyond this period, no return or refund is accepted.

Domain: E. Guigal.

    Founded at the end of World War II, in 1946 by Etienne Guigal in Ampuis in an exceptional vineyard where the vineyard has been exploited for 2400 years around the ancient village, the heart of the Côte-Rôtie appellation. Marcel Guigal took over from 1961 And in 1973 his wife Bernadette joined him to develop the family domain. Philippe, born in 1975, oenologist...

Learn more about E. Guigal.

They are talking :
  • Parker : EtoileEtoileEtoileEtoileEtoile Remarkable
  • Bettane and Desseauve : 5 BD nominated in the Guide 2013
  • Couleur : Blanc
  • Appellation : Crozes-Hermitage

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