No available
  • Acidity : average
  • Tannin : No
  • Body : Average
  • Aromas : Fruity / Spicy
  • Length : Long
Food and wine pairing

This wine will go perfectly with:

  • brochettes de gambas sautées aux
  • tartare de truite aux légumes cr
  • tapas de calamars sautés
  • tapenade d’olives vertes
  • radis
  • carottes
  • concombre

Domaine Chapoutier - IGP des Collines Rhodaniennes La Combe Pilate "Les Lognards" - 2018

By unit15,90 € 13.90 EUR Per 6 bottles13,90 €

Ce produit n'est malheureusement pas disponible en ce moment.

Domain :Domaine Chapoutier
Appellation : IGP des Collines Rhodaniennes
Region : Rhône
Operating temperature :10-12 °C.
Return and Refund Policy:
You have the right to withdraw from this contract without giving any reason within fourteen days, in which case all sums paid, including delivery costs, will be refunded. Beyond this period, no return or refund is accepted.

Domain: Domaine Chapoutier

    Polydor Chapoutier, whose family lives in the Rhône Valley at Tain-l'Hermitage since 1808, bought his first vines in 1879.

    The work of the vine and his vinification was passed on to his children, and in 1950 Max Chapoutier arrived at the head of the domain until his retirement in 1977.


Learn more about Domaine Chapoutier

They are talking :
  • Operating temperature : 10-12 °C.
  • Alcohol level : 13
  • Couleur : Blanc
  • Appellation : IGP des Collines Rhodaniennes
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