Products of the domain : Paillard Bruno

Bruno Paillard was born in Reims in 1953. But his ancestors were already brokers and growers in Bouzy and Verzenay since 1704. He also started as a broker in 1975; however, he was turned away from this and was driven by the desire to develop, for himself a different champagne, very pure and elegant.

Bruno Paillard created his company in 1981, while at this point we had not seen new Houses develop for nearly a century.

The very personal style of his wines impressed all.

The vineyard developed gradually, and now covers 32 hectares including 12 wines. It procures approximately 50% of the House’s needs. This supply includes the purchase of grapes from independent growers.

Today, the Houses products 400,000 to 500,000 bottles every year. More than 75% of them are exported to 30 different countries.

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